- I sold all my curriculum and have been able to finish purchasing this year's 4th grade books.
- I've found a story that I'm running with and ideas have been smacking me in the face around every corner I turn. WOO HOO!
- A very good friend of mine, Eve Nielsen, over at Quest Writer, is working with me to exchange and critique each other's writing. As a fellow writer, homeschool mom, and Christian she is a very valuable and useful asset, as well as an awesome person. It's been so fun and rewarding to help each other out.
- I got to take my daughter to experience the madness of the last Harry Potter midnight book release at our local Borders. After returning home, I read it in approximately 16 hours - taking out all eating and sleeping. This translated into Sunday at 6am. I read until I HAD to eat, sleep, or visit the little girls' room. More to come on all this, I'm considering doing a full-scale review of the book and series as a whole. We'll see.
- Editorials over at MuggleNet haven't dropped off too dramatically. There are enough editorials to keep us busy.
- The weather here has been absolutely beautiful and perfect for swimming in our new pool.
- BBQ season has hit the Browning household and I just can't resist. The grill calls to me in its husky voice, "Use me, I make all your food taste so good." I'm a sucker for a bbq in summer.
- I got a super-cool 4th grade science program via UPS, and it looks every bit as cool as it did on the website.
Okay - that's the good news. Now for the not-so-good news:
- The medication trial I'm on for my migraines doesn't seem to be working. It's a three month trial and I believe I'm at about 2+ months at this point.
- My asthma is pretty horrible. It's an all the time thing. I've been needing to do my nebulizer treatments regularly just to keep from coughing my guts up. I've been really frustrated as my energy is zapped from me, along with the ability to do any housework for any decent length of time. My clean laundry refuses to fold itself, I'm working on it though.
- I'm starting to feel spread a little thin in general. I know I really don't have that many obligations, it just feels like I do. Any obligations I do have though, are ones I embrace and cherish. Ugh! I'll keep praying about it.
So there's the short version of the last few days of my life. I'll have time to expand later...